Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Business and Investment Visa. If you’re considering expanding your horizons and exploring international business opportunities, you’re in the right place.

Business migration can turn out as a very tedious and complicated procedure. It’s even hard to gauge your chances of qualifying for the same.

This falls under the category of Provisional Visa – now as the name suggests it is a temporary visa that may lead to grant of a permanent visa if the certain listed conditions for the same are met. It is categorically named – Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) – which has further five streams available and out it four allow applicants to be nominated the state government.

Additionally, you might end up becoming eligible for a myriad of business migration categories. It is mandatory in most investor and business visas to have a state nomination before applying. These visas are for those people who wish to conduct business and investment activities in Australia.

Categories for Business and Investment Visa

188A (Business and Innovation Stream)

This visa is meant for owners of successful businesses and investors overseas who wish to invest in new or existing businesses based in Australia or make a nominated investment in Australia’s state or territory bonds.

188B Visa (Investor Stream)

This significant investor visa permits foreign applicants who can invest a minimum of 2.5 million AUD in ‘complying investments’ in Australia for 4 years to acquire PR of Australia. This visa comes without any age bar or English Language requirements.

188C Visa (Significant Investor stream)

This visa is for people who can invest a minimum of AUD 5 million into complying investments in Australia and further to maintain business and investment activity there. The state or territory government can nominate the applicants or Austrade from the side of the Australian government.

188D Visa (Premium Investor)

This visa is for people who can invest a minimum of A$5 million into complying investments in Australia and further to maintain business and investment activity there. The state or territory government can nominate the applicants or Austrade from the side of the Australian government.

188E Visa (Entrepreneur Stream)

This visa is for people having a funding agreement with a third party for a minimum of AUD 200,000 to take on a complying entrepreneur activity that is proposed to end up in either the commercialization of a product or service in Australia or the evolution of any business based in Australia. The nomination of the applicants can be done by either a state or territory government.

888 Visa (Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent))

This is the second stage of the Business Innovation and Investment visa. You become eligible to apply for this 888 permanent visa after having the 188 provisional visas either for 2 years in the Business Innovation stream or 4 years on the Investor Stream. This visa also demands that the applicant fulfills the given standard criteria.

FAQ’s for Business and Investment Visa

What is the Australia Golden Visa?

This is to get a PR to the country via investment immigration. It was introduced way back in 2012 where High New Worth Individuals (HNWI) were targeted who must be willing to invest AUD 5 million in the required criteria.

How much money needs to be invested to get Business Visa in Australia?

The basic minimum amount is AUD 1.5 million in the country for a period of four years is what entrepreneurs and investors must be looking at if they want to obtain Business Investment Visa.

For more information visit: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/business-innovation-and-investment-188