What is the processing time for the Aged Parent Visa Subclass 804?
As per the Australian government and the Department of Home Affairs, the processing time for Aged Parent Visa 804 is as follows:
The following table details the processing time for Aged Parent Visa 804.
Department of Home Affairs Action Stages | Aged Parent Visa 804 Processing Time |
Aged parent Visa Subclass 804 – Acknowledge New Application | Approximately 4 weeks |
Aged Parent Visa 804 – Queue Assessment | Application lodged in September 2019 |
Aged Parent Visa 804 – Queue Release Date | The date queued up to June 2017. |
What is the new Aged Parent Visa 804 processing time 2024?
According to the Australian government and Department of Home Affairs website, all Aged Parent Subclass 804 applications will take at least 29 years before the application for an 804 visa is processed.
Why does it have a long processing time?
The Aged Parent Visa 804 processing time is 29 years as per the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs website.
This is because the places for parent Visas in the current Australian Migration Program Planning Levels are quite low. The current 2023-2024 Australian Migration Program Planning level for Parent Visas is 8500 places.
Why does Processing time change all the time?
The Aged Parent Visa 804 processing time changes all the time due to multiple reasons. The following are the reasons for changes in Aged Parent Visa Processing time.
- The Aged Parent visa 804 processing time may be affected by changes made by the Australian government in Australian Migration Program Planning Levels. The more places are allocated to Parent Visas in current and future Australian Migration Planning levels, the more the chances that processing time may decrease. Similarly, if fewer places are allocated for parent visas in the current and future Migration planning levels, the more is chance that the processing time will increase. This is only one factor affecting the processing time.
- The number of applications of parent visa submitted also affect the Aged Parent Visa 804 processing time. The more applications for parent visas and aged parents’ visas are submitted, the longer the queue, thus increasing the Aged Parent Visa 804 processing time. This is because of the quick exhaustion of fewer Parent Visa places in the Australian Migration planning levels.
- The Aged parent Visa 804 processing time is also affected by how many Parent Visa and aged parent visa applications are refused or withdrawn. If more parent and aged parent visa applications are refused and withdrawn, other applications for parent and aged parent visas will jump ahead in the queue. This will reduce the Aged Parent visa 804 processing time.
- The Aged Parent Visa 804 processing time is also affected by Administrative Appeals Tribunal remits. The more decisions are remitted in favor of Parent visa applications, the more chances are that the processing time will increase.
- Ministerial interventions in parent visa and aged parent visa cases also affect the processing time.
- Australian government through processing directions of the minister of Home Affairs may issue directions for fast processing of some visas or may give priority to other visas. This also affects the processing time.
For More Information Visit: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/aged-parent-804
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