Joint Announcement by:
- Hon Brendan O’Connor MP
- Hon Jason Clare MP
- Hon Andrew Giles MP
From July 1, 2024, the international student visa fee will increase from $710 to $1,600. This change reflects the growing value of education in Australia and the Albanese Government’s struggles to ensure quality and integrity in the international education sector.
Why the Increase?
The increase in funds will support several important initiatives in education and migration, including:
1. University Measures:
- Fairer HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme)
- Paid internships
- FEE-Free Uni Ready courses
2. Vocational Education and Training:
- Financial support for apprentices and their employers
3. Migration Strategy:
- Implementing suggestions to improve the migration system
Key Changes in Migration Strategy
Alongside this change, different previously announced components of the Migration Strategy also take
effect, including:
1. Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT):
- Increase from $70,000 to $73,150 depending on annual indexation, the second raise under this Government after it was frozen for a decade at $53,900
2. Temporary Graduate Visas:
- Shortening visa duration and reducing age eligibility
3. Ending ‘Visa Hopping’:
- Closing loopholes that allow candidates and other temporary visa holders to continuously expand their stay in Australia, in some cases indefinitely
4. Improving Mobility for Skilled Migrants:
- Extending the amount of time temporary skilled migrants can stay between employers
sponsors from 60 days to 180 days.
5. Strengthening Employer Compliance Bill 2023:
- Introducing new criminal measures against employers engaging in the exploitation of
6. Workplace Justice Visa Pilot:
- Allowing temporary visa holders for a short period to stay in Australia while seeking
workplace justice.
Statements from Ministers
Brendan O’Connor, Minister for Skills and Training:
“Australia has a world-class education sector that draws international students from around the globe – so we need to ensure all students get the quality of education they pay for.
“We are continuing our work to weed out the unscrupulous providers who are looking to take
advantage of international students.
Jason Clare, Minister for Education:
“International education is a vital national asset, and we must ensure its integrity and quality.
“These changes will strengthen integrity in the international education system and help to fund
important reforms recommended by the Universities Accord, including making HECS fairer, paid prac and expanding FEE-Free Uni Ready courses.”
Cyber Security and Home Affairs Minister Clare ONeil:
“When we came to government we inherited a migration system that was broken and dysfunctional,
and an international education system which was being compromised by rorts and exploitation.
“Reform was essential after a decade of neglect under the former government.
“This sector has the power to drive growth and opportunity for our country, but to get there, we’ve got
to work with quality providers to clean it up.
“The changes coming into force today will help restore integrity to our international education system and create a migration system which is fairer, smaller, and better able to deliver for Australia.”
Andrew Giles, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs:
“Our reforms will help vulnerable workers speak up while we crack down on employers doing the wrong thing.
“We’re getting on with delivering higher wages for skilled migrants and Australians after a decade of the former Liberal Government deliberately keeping wages low.”
These changes reflect the government’s responsibility for a fair, high-quality international education
system and a more efficient migration strategy.
Disclaimer: The above information is not tailored to personal circumstances.
For information relevant to personal circumstances, please book an
appointment with Oracle Immigration Consultant’s expert migration agents in
For any inquiries, please contact us at +61 430812158. We are premier Immigration agency and consultancy in Melbourne (Bundoora and Geelong).