All About Partner Visa Subclass 820 Checklist
The following documents are required for evidence for a partner visa 820 application. These documents need to be in English or translation from a qualified professional is required.
Checklist For Partner Visa Subclass 820
Documents required by the primary Applicant for a partner visa subclass 820 application.
- A copy of the passport of the partner visa applicant.
- National ID
- Overseas Police Certificate
- Australian Federal Police Clearance
- Birth Certificate / Year 10 Certificate
- Divorce Documents/ Separation documents etc.
- Health examination
- Marriage Certificate
- Relationship registration certificate if the relationship has been registered in a state.
- If the de facto relationship has been less than 12 months, either the applicants need to register their relationship or provide evidence that they have compelling and compassionate circumstances.
- Two statutory declarations Form 888 are required from people who know about the relationship between the partner visa applicant and their sponsor. These people could be family members, friends, work colleagues, etc.
- A Statutory Declaration from the partner visa applicant explaining the relationship with the sponsor how they have known each other and their plans.
- Further documents on evidence of financial aspects of the relationship such as but not limited to:
1. Any joint assets such as a house, car, etc.
2. Any joint liabilities such as any loans.
3. If any joint account, a copy of it.
4. If separate personal accounts, then evidence of income or spending on shared costs such as utilities, rent, mortgage, etc.
5. Evidence of pooling of financial resources.
6. Any other evidence.
7. Nominee on super fund of each other
8. Insurance policies such as car insurance with both names
- Further documents on evidence of the Nature of the Household such as but not limited to:
1. Evidence of shared responsibility for the care and support of children.
2. Evidence of joint lease, joint rental receipts, joint utility accounts, and any correspondence addressed to either or both parties at the same address.
3. Any sharing of the responsibility for housework.
- Further documents on evidence of the Social Aspects of the relationship such as but not limited to:
1. Phone records of calls made to each other.
2. Evidence of the relationship being declared to government bodies.
3. Marriage Photos
4. Photos of other social gatherings, holidays, etc.
5. Facebook, and Instagram photos, and screenshots showing relationships.
6. Evidence such as joint travel plans, tickets, or any other evidence of joint activities.
- Further documents on evidence of the nature of the commitment such as but not limited to:
1. The evidence of intentions that the relationship be long-term (for example, by the extent to which the partners have combined their affairs, and the extent to which they have provided for each other, such as being beneficiaries to each other’s will and/or superannuation).
2. Any other evidence
Documents required by partner sponsor for a partner visa subclass 820 application.
- Evidence of being an Australian Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.
- Passport
- Birth Certificate
- Australian passport/ Australian PR copy/ New Zealand Passport
- Australian Federal Police (AFP) clearance
- Marriage certificate.
- A Statutory Declaration from the sponsor explaining the relationship with the partner visa applicant how they have known each other and their future.
Documents required by the secondary applicant for a partner visa subclass 820 application.
- Passport
- National ID
- Birth Certificate
- Overseas Police Clearance Certificate
- AFP clearance
- Health Examination
- Passport Size Photograph
- Family Book
Related Post: Partner Visa Subclass 820
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